The Center was honored to host Wylie Burke, MD, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor and former Chair of the University of Washington Department of Bioethics and Humanities, as our 2017 Merrimon Lecturer, the School of Medicine’s oldest and most prestigious endowed lectureship., from October 3-6. During her Oct.3-6 visit, Dr. Burke delivered her lecture, “Pathways to Trust: precision medicine, genomics, and health disparities” to an audience of 300 students and faculty and met separately with students, trainees and faculty from eight different UNC programs: the Center for Health Equity Research, the Center for Genomics and Society, the UNC American Indian Center, the School of Medicine’s Clinical Ethics Discussion Group, the Center for Bioethics, the Community Engagement Core of the NC Translational and Clinical Sciences Institute, and the student-led Coalition for Dismantling Medical Racism, as well as providing a guest lecture for MS3 medical students on genomic sequencing in the clinical context. She was in great demand, and met the challenge with characteristic energy and wit. Thanks so much, Wylie!
For more information about the event click here.
Click here for the video of the lecture.