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Center for Bioethics Trainees Enhance ASBH 2017 Program

October 25, 2017
UNC C:B trainees and former fellows were ubiquitous at the 19th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities in Kansas City on Oct. 18-22! Their contributions included: Elana Jaffe, BA participated in a “Forging a New Paradigm for Public Health Emergency Research that Includes Pregnant Women in the Response: What We Can Learn from HIV,...

Current Second Year Medical Student Electives by C:B faculty members

October 25, 2017
This semester UNC Center for Bioethics faculty members Stuart Rennie, Jill Fisher, Mara Buchbinder, and Eric Juengst are all teaching Advanced Seminars in the Humanities and Social Sciences for MS2 students in the UNC School of Medicine. These seminars offer medical students an opportunity to engage with scholarship on health,...

New Core Faculty Member Appointed: Jean Cadigan, PhD

July 17, 2017
Jean Cadigan, PhD, a medical anthropologist in the UNC Department of Social Medicine, has been appointed as the tenth member of the Center’s Core Faculty,  in recognition of her sustained involvement in Center research projects,  teaching efforts, and consultation services.

Endowed Lecture Series Honor Nicole Lurie and Gopal Sreenivasan

May 5, 2017
The 2016 UNC Merrimon Lecture on “Striking the Balance: Patient Care, Activism, and Public Service in the Health Professions” was delivered on Sep 20 by Nicole Lurie,  MD, and the 2016 UNC Health and Human Rights Lecture was given Gopal Sreenivasan. Both Lectureships are co-sponsored and managed by the Center for...

Three Post-Docs Launched into Faculty Positions!

May 5, 2017
Over the last year or so, the first wave of the Center’s postdoctoral fellows have “graduated” into great new faculty positions elsewhere: Marci Cottingham, PhD (Sociology) is now Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Amsterdam; Gabriel Lazaro-Munez, PhD (Neuroscience), JD (Health Law) joins the faculty of the Baylor...

C:B Faculty Stuart Rennie Appointed as “Extraordinary Professor”

April 11, 2017
We are proud to announce that Stuart Rennie, PhD, one of the core faculty of UNC Center for Bioethics, is appointed as “Extraordinary Associate Professor in Medicine” by Stellenbosch University for the period 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2020. Stellenbosch University created this category of appointments to give recognition to...

C:B Faculty “Cover” the Literature in 2016!

March 21, 2017
C:B faculty published 40 articles in 2016, which is great, but only to be expected of a group like this. What was unusual was the run of lead articles by our faculty that were illustrated in the cover art of the Hastings Center Report and the American Journal of Bioethics....

C:B hosts Jennifer Fishman, Nicholas King, and Susan Lederer as Visiting Faculty

February 21, 2017
During the 2015-2016 academic year, the UNC Center for Bioethics was fortunate to host three distinguished colleagues for extended periods as visiting faculty. We were honored that Jennifer Fishman and Nicholas King, both from the Biomedical Ethics Unit at McGill University, chose to spend their entire sabbatical year with us...