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Davis and Rennie present at ARESA Seminar conference, Capetown

September 2, 2014

NOA! Lyerly and Buchbinder win Greenwall Foundation mentored research award

September 1, 2014

Lyerly awarded 2014-15 UNC ACCLAIM Leadership Training program

September 1, 2014

NOA! Postdoc Dan Moseley wins Postdoctoral Fellowship

July 1, 2014

Juengst and ARESA faculty Keymanthri Moodley and Ciara Staunton present at World Congress of Bioethics, Mexico City

June 1, 2014

Susan Lederer named 2016 UNC-Duke Keohane Distinguished Visiting Professor, to spend semester in Center.

June 1, 2014

Rennie leads Brocher Foundation workshop

May 1, 2014
Rennie leads Brocher Foundation workshop for SearcHIV Project, May , 2014

Video available of 2013 Health and Human Rights Lecture by Caterina De Albuquerque

November 25, 2013
[youtube][/youtube] Daily Tarheel Article: Catarina de Albuquerque calls for clean water  

Annie Lyerly’s new book, A Good Birth, now available

October 10, 2013
Annie Lyerly, Associate Director of the C:B, and mother of four, knows firsthand that there are many important elements to a “good” birth that often get overlooked. Her three-year study of a diverse group of mothers revealed universal needs, like the importance of feeling connected, safe, and respected. Her new...

C:B faculty have published 50 articles and essays in the last three years!

October 10, 2013
At last count, the C:B faculty have published 50 articles and essays in the last three years! Some recent publications: Stuart Rennie, Ethical Use of Antiretroviral resources for HIV prevention in resource poor settings, Developing World Bioethics. Christina McCall, David Grimes, and Anne Lyerly, “Therapeutic” bed rest in pregnancy: Unethical...