Davis and Rennie present at ARESA Seminar conference, Capetown September 2, 2014 http://sun025.sun.ac.za/portal/page/portal/Health_Sciences/English/Centres%20and%20Institutions/Bioethics1/ARESA
NOA! Lyerly and Buchbinder win Greenwall Foundation mentored research award September 1, 2014 http://greenwall.org/recent-news.php?id=16
NOA! Postdoc Dan Moseley wins Postdoctoral Fellowship July 1, 2014 http://philosophy.unc.edu/people/daniel-d-moseley/
Juengst and ARESA faculty Keymanthri Moodley and Ciara Staunton present at World Congress of Bioethics, Mexico City June 1, 2014 http://bioethicsmexico.mx/
Susan Lederer named 2016 UNC-Duke Keohane Distinguished Visiting Professor, to spend semester in Center. June 1, 2014 http://provost.unc.edu/announcements/keohane_rfp/
Rennie leads Brocher Foundation workshop May 1, 2014 Rennie leads Brocher Foundation workshop for SearcHIV Project, May , 2014
Video available of 2013 Health and Human Rights Lecture by Caterina De Albuquerque November 25, 2013 [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nK93mRrsnPY[/youtube] Daily Tarheel Article: Catarina de Albuquerque calls for clean water
Annie Lyerly’s new book, A Good Birth, now available October 10, 2013 Annie Lyerly, Associate Director of the C:B, and mother of four, knows firsthand that there are many important elements to a “good” birth that often get overlooked. Her three-year study of a diverse group of mothers revealed universal needs, like the importance of feeling connected, safe, and respected. Her new...
C:B faculty have published 50 articles and essays in the last three years! October 10, 2013 At last count, the C:B faculty have published 50 articles and essays in the last three years! Some recent publications: Stuart Rennie, Ethical Use of Antiretroviral resources for HIV prevention in resource poor settings, Developing World Bioethics. Christina McCall, David Grimes, and Anne Lyerly, “Therapeutic” bed rest in pregnancy: Unethical...