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April 20 Parr|Bioethics Joint Lecture Series
Responsibility without Blame: Working with “Unwise Choices” in Healthcare Contexts
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Hanna Pickard, BA Hons, BPhil, DPhil
March 21 2022 Annual EBT Conference: Recovery and Resilience
Is that Ethical? Practical Approaches to Issues in Clinical Practice
View recording
Arlene Davis, JD
Dan Moseley, PhD
Paul Ossman, MD, MPH
Laura House, MD, MPH
Evan Vitiello, MD
Benny Joyner, MD, MPH
January 19 Video/Audio Recording in the Operating Room and the Coming Age of Surgical Transparency
View recording
Alexander Langerman, MD, SM, FACS


October 21 Annual Pediatric Visiting Scholar
Shared Decision-Making and Informed Nondissent

Click here to view Grand Rounds recordings from the current academic year; an ONYEN is required for access.
Alexander A. Kon, MD, HEC-C, FAAP, FCCM
January 29

Kidney to Share: A Patient and Ethicist Offer Their Views on the Living Donor Process

Martha Gershun, Writer and John Lantos, MD


January 29 Controversies in Increasing Living Kidney Donation Arthur Matas, MD


November 21 From Karen Ann Quinlan to Jahi McMath and Beyond: A half-Century of End-of-life Care Debate John C. Moskop, Ph.D.
May 23 Annual Pediatric Visiting Scholar
What Authority? Whose Interests? The Challenges of Decision-Making for Impaired Newborns
D. Micah Hester, Ph.D.
March 27 CEGR co-hosted with The Department of Surgery Anne C. Mosenthal, MD. FACS
February 7 Washing Your Hands of It: Ethical Implications of Infection Control Policy and Practice recording Emily Landon, MD


November 8 Can we afford to avoid the cost discussion? recording Yousuf Zafar, MD, MHS
September 5 What We Talk About When We Talk About Surgery
co-hosted with The Department of Surgery
Margaret L “Gretchen” Schwarze, MD, MPP, FACS
May 24 Annual Pediatric Visiting Scholar
Pediatric Ethics Consultation: A Look Behind the Curtain
Chris Feudtner, MD PhD MPH
April 5 What Does “Respect for Autonomy” Really Mean? recording Rebecca Walke,r PhD
Jean Cadigan, PhD
Gary Gala, MD, FACS
March 1 Workplace Violence in Healthcare: Just Part of the Job? Sara Scarlet, MD
Sarah Fotheringham, JD
Paul Ossman, MD, MPH
Elizabeth Dreesen, MD


November 2 Clinical Pathways When There’s No One Right Answer recording Chris DeRienzo, MD, MPP, FAAP
May 11 A ROMP in the PARC: Research On Medical Practices – Public Attitudes for Research Consent Benjamin S. Wilfond, MD
April 6 Moral Distress Consultation: The UVA Model recording Beth Epstein, PhD, RN, FAAN
March 2 Ways to Watch: Issues of Recording in Patient Care recording Arlene Davis, JD
Sarah Fotheringham, JD
Benny Joyner, MD, MPH
Gary Winzelberg, MD, MPH, FACP


November  3 What Does Religion Have to Do With Medical Ethics?  Farr A. Curlin, MD
September Ethical concerns for providers in their emergency care of behavioral health patients awaiting placement recording David Pepper, MD
April 7 Rationing is Not a Four Letter Word: Death Panels, Policy & Ethics recording Philip Rosoff, MD
February 4 Ethical Care of the Prisoner-Patient: Intersections of Law & Ethics recording Michelle Curl, RN, BSN
Sarah Fotheringham, JD.
Arlene Davis, JD.
Paul Ossman, MD, MPH
January  7 A Contemporary Death: Ethics and End of Life Care recording Margaret P. Battin (“Peggy”), Ph.D.


November 5 Grappling with Guardianship: Ethical Dilemmas recording Kate Mewhinney, JD
October 1 End of life conflicts in South Africa: Recurrent Challenges and emerging controversies recording Dr. Sharon Kling and Dr. Keymanthri Moodley
May 7 The Pros and Cons of Employing Ethical Decision-Making Models in the Real World recording Kim Strom-Gottfried, PhD, LSIW
April 9 Healing in medicine: Lessons from clinicians and patients recording Larry Churchill, PhD
March 5 March CEGR was replaced by our flagship ethics event, the Merrimon Lecture.Seven Assumptions that Drive Too Much Health Care H. Gilbert Welch, MD, MPH
February 5 Involving Children in Important Medical Decisions Steven Joffe, MD, MPH
(Visit in conjunction w Dept of Pediatrics)


November 6 Famous factory meatloaf: The clinician as technician and the renewal of healthcare through quality improvement recording Abraham Nussbaum, MD
October 2 Re-thinking the discovery of Autism recording
Jeff Baker, MD, PhD
September 4 Ethical dimensions of abortion practice in the context of new laws Mara Buchbinder, PhD
May 1 Advance care planning: Is it all it’s cracked up to be? Lois Shepherd, JD
April 3 Patient-clinician communication in bilingual health care Elaine Hsieh, PhD
March 6 Communication in the context of support: The work of ‘Single Fathers Due to Cancer’ support group Single Fathers Due to Cancer Donald L. Rosenstein, MD
Justin M. Yopp, PhD
February 6 “How am I going to talk about that?”: Perspectives on difficult clinician conversations Katie Flanagan, MSW, LCSW
Ashley Henderson, MD
Rob Lovrich, MD
Arlene Davis, JD (moderator)


November 14 An ethical framework for healthcare decisions for critically ill children and adolescents Alan R. Fleischman, MD
October 3 Constructing caring men: How nursing organizations and individuals define care and masculinity Marci Cottingham, PhD
September 5 Pushing Healthcare Information Technology (HIT): Examining the ethics and consequences of U.S. policy and HIT vendor practices Ross Koppel, PhD