Eric to Direct TraCS Ethics Core July 1, 2011 C:B Director to direct Research Ethics Core of the North Carolina Translational and Clinical Sciences Institute.
Deb Love health care ethics network June 23, 2011 C:B Clinical Ethics Outreach Coordinator, Deb Love, JD, MA, inaugurates planning for state-wide health care ethics network.
Benjamin Meier HHR Lecture Series June 15, 2011 C:B Faculty Associate Benjamin Meier helps create the Annual UNC Health and Human Rights Lecture Series under C:B auspices.
Stuart Fogarty grant June 1, 2011 C:B Core Faculty Member Stuart Rennie and colleagues at Stellenbosch University in Capetown, South Africa, awarded NIH Fogarty Center research ethics training grant.
Rebecca tenure May 1, 2011 C:B Core Faculty Member Rebecca Walker Awarded Promotion and Tenure in UNC School of Medicine!
American Bioethics Program Directors meeting April 11, 2011 C:B hosts American Bioethics Program Directors spring meeting. The Spring 2011 meeting of the ABPD was hosted by the UNC Center for Bioethics at the Siena Hotel in Chapel Hill, NC. more info »
Diane Meier Merrimon Lectures April 4, 2011 C:B coordinates 2011 UNC Merrimon Lectures by Diane Meier, MD. more info »
National Undergraduate Bioethics Conference March 18, 2011 C:B co-sponsors ASBH National Undergraduate Bioethics Conference.
Annie Stem Cell Working Group March 17, 2011 C:B primary faculty member Anne Drapkin Lyerly, MD, appointed to the NIH Advisory Committee to the Director Working Group on Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Review.