Douglas MacKay , Katherine W. Saylor (2024)
The Hastings Center Bioethics Forum Essay
Margaret Waltz, Rebecca L. Walker, Michael A. Flatt, Douglas MacKay, John M. Conley, Eric T. Juengst, R. Jean Cadigan (2024)
The CRISPR Journal Published online
Rebecca L. Walker, Douglas MacKay, Margaret Waltz, Anne Drapkin Lyerly, Jill A. Fisher, (2022)
Ethics & Human Research 44(5): 2-21
Doug MacKay, Gopal Sreenivasan (2021)
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Winter 2021 Edition
Doug MacKay (2021)
Doug MacKay (2021)
Douglas MacKay, Rebecca L. Walker (2021)
Paying for Fairness? Incentives and Fair Subject Selection 12(3): 35-37
Zev M Nakamura, Douglas P MacKay, Arlene M. Davis, Elizabeth R Brassfield, Benny L Joyner Jr, Donald L Rosenstein (2021)
Journal of Medical Ethics 47: e16
Doug MacKay (2021)
Zev M Nakamura, Douglas P MacKay, Arlene M. Davis, Elizabeth R Brassfield, Benny L Joyner Jr., Donald L Rosenstein (2020)
Journal of Medical Ethics Published Online
Doug MacKay (2020)
The Oxford Handbook of Research Ethics
Douglas MacKay (2020)
Philosophy & Public Affairs Online Version of Record before inclusion in an issue(e12174)
Douglas MacKay, Nancy S. Jecker, Punnee Pitisuttithum, Katherine W. Saylor (2020)
Bioethics Published Online
Seema K. Shah, Franklin G. Miller, Thomas C. Darton, Devan Duenas, Claudia Emerson, Holly Fernandez Lynch, Euzebiusz Jamrozik, Nancy S. Jecker, Dorcas Kamuya, Melissa Kapulu, Jonathan Kimmelman, Douglas MacKay, Matthew J. Memoli, Sean C. Murphy, Ricardo Palacios, Thomas L. Richie, Meta Roestenberg, Abha Saxena, Katherine Saylor, Michael J. Selgelid, Vina Vaswani, Annette Rid (2020)
Science 368(6493): 832-834
Doug MacKay, Katherine Witte Saylor (2020)
The American Journal of Bioethics 20(2): 5-19
Doug MacKay (2019)
in Philosophy and Child Poverty : 321-340
Doug MacKay, Samuel Fitz (2019)
The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 47(2): 308–319
Douglas MacKay (2019)
The Journal of Political Philosophy 27(4): 422-447
Eric T. Juengst, Gail E. Henderson, Rebecca L. Walker, John M. Conley, Douglas MacKay, Karen M. Meagher, Katherine Saylor, Margaret Waltz, Kristine J. Kuczynski, R. Jean Cadigan (2018)
The CRISPR Journal 1(6): 351-354
Doug MacKay (2018)
The American Journal of Bioethics 18(11): 25-26
Doug MacKay (2018)
Journal of Ethics & Social Philosophy 14(1): 44-82
Jayna Fishman, Douglas MacKay (2018)
Journal Applied Philosophy 19(Suppl 1): 46
Doug MacKay, Averi Chakrabarti (2018)
Public Health Ethics phy015: 1-14
Douglas Mackay (2018)
The Hastings Center Report 48(3): 28-302-4
Douglas MacKay (2017)
Bioethics 32(1): 59-67
Paul C Treacy, Douglas MacKay (2017)
Nursing Ethics 26(2): 418-424
Paige A. Clayton, Douglas P. MacKay (2017)
Public Health Ethics 11(1): 82–89
Doug MacKay, Tina Rulli (2017)
Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 27(1): 71-105
Douglas MacKay (2017)
Economics & Philosophy : 1-27
Douglas MacKay (2017)
The American Journal of Bioethics 17(2): W4-W8
Douglas MacKay (2016)
Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 26(3): e-1-e-10
Doug MacKay, Alexandra Robinson (2016)
American Journal of Bioethics 16(11): 3-12
Douglas MacKay (2016)
Journal of Medical Ethics 42(10): 672-677
Douglas MacKay (2016)
Social Theory and Practice 42(1): 123-154
Douglas Paul MacKay (2016)
Journal of Social Philosophy 47(2): 211-230
Nicole M. V. Ross, Douglas P. MacKay (2016)
Public Health Ethics : phw017
Douglas MacKay (2015)
Journal of Medical Ethics 41(10): 832-835
Douglas Mackay (2016)
Economics and Philosophy 32(1): 21-49
Doug MacKay, Marion Danis (2016)
Public Affairs Quarterly 30(1)
Douglas MacKay (2015)
Bioethics 29(4): 262-273
Douglas Mackay (2014)
Bioethics 28(7): 352-359
Douglas MacKay (2013)
Philosophia 41(2): 521-526