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Pregnancy Inclusion in US Statewide Scarce Resource Allocation Guidelines During COVID-19 Pandemic.

May 1, 2023

PREPARE: UNC Center for Bioethics Researchers Work Overseas

March 29, 2023
Members of the PRomoting Equity for Pregnant Adolescents in Research (PREPARE) team recently returned from a trip to Botswana and Malawi. This study is led by Principal Investigators (PI) Anne Lyerly, MD, MA, and Kristen Sullivan, PhD, MSW, MBA, of the UNC Center for Bioethics, and includes several UNC Bioethics...

Annie Lyerly, MD was interviewed for NPR’s Weekend Edition Sunday

March 13, 2023
Anne Lyerly, MD was interviewed by NPR’s Ayesha Rascoe to talk about how hospital ethics boards are being invoked when a patient requires a medical exception to an abortion ban.

Congratulations to Annie Lyerly, elected as a new fellow of the Hastings Center

February 16, 2023
Annie Lyerly has been elected as a new fellow of the Hastings Center.  Hastings Center fellows are a group of more than 200 individuals of outstanding accomplishment whose work has informed scholarship and public understanding of complex ethical issues in health, health care, science, and technology. The new fellows focus...

Webinar available: “Pregnant and Lactating Populations in Research: How Leaving These Populations Out Leaves Them Behind,”

January 31, 2023
Watch the webinar “Pregnant and Lactating Populations in Research: How Leaving These Populations Out Leaves Them Behind,” to hear about how exclusion of pregnant and lactating populations in research has resulted in an inability to support them – and what types of opportunities we have to move this research forward....

Pregnant and Lactating Populations in Research: How Leaving These Populations Out Leaves Them Behind.

January 26, 2023

Annie Lyerly elected to the Johns Hopkins Society of Scholars

January 3, 2023
Congratulations to Annie Lyerly, who was just elected to the Johns Hopkins Society of Scholars, a wonderful honor and recognition of her immense scholarly contributions to medical ethics, women’s health, and reproductive medicine.

Experiences Navigating the Pregnancy Care Continuum During the COVID-19 Pandemic

November 3, 2022

Ethical Criteria for Improved Human Subject Protections in Phase I Healthy Volunteer Trials

October 12, 2022

Book Review: Reproductive Ethics in Clinical Practice: Preventing, Initiating and Managing Pregnancy and delivery

August 5, 2022