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Exclusion of Women from Phase I Trials: Perspectives from Investigators and Research Oversight Officials

November 27, 2023

Mutual Emotional Labor as Method: Building Connections of Care in Qualitative Research.

November 1, 2023

Jill Fisher received the ASA Sociology of Sex and Gender Distinguished Article Award

September 5, 2023
Jill Fisher won the 2023 Sociology of Sex and Gender Distinguished Article Award from the American Sociological Association for her co-authored paper “Gendered Logics of Biomedical Research: Women in U.S. Phase I Clinical Trials” that was published in 2022 in the journal Social Problems.

“Death and Taxes: Why Financial Compensation for Research Participants is an Economic and Legal Risk.

September 1, 2023

Global Efforts to Protect Healthy Volunteers

August 8, 2023

Jill Fisher receives a Three-Year grant from the NIH

July 17, 2023
Dr. Jill A. Fisher is the recipient of a three-year grant from the National Library of Medicine (NIH) to support the writing of a scholarly book on the medicalization and pharmaceuticalization of food allergies. Tentatively titled “Challenging Allergies: The Search for a Magic Bullet for Pediatric Food Allergies,” the book...

Jill Fisher awarded Senior Faculty Research and Scholarly Leave Fall 2023

February 23, 2023
The UNC Provost’s Office has awarded Jill Fisher a Senior Faculty Research and Scholarly Leave for the Fall Semester of 2023. Fisher will work on writing a book manuscript from her research on pediatric food allergy clinical trials. These leaves are awarded annually on the basis of a University-wide competition...

Partnering Through It: Confronting the Institutional Challenges Facing Dual-Career Academic Couples.

February 14, 2023

Health Policy & Bioethics Consortium, “Treating Healthy Clinical Trial Participants Fairly,”

January 19, 2023
If you missed the Health Policy & Bioethics Consortium, “Treating Healthy Clinical Trial Participants Fairly,” it is available on The Harvard Medical School Center for Bioethics YouTube channel. The consortium was moderated by Benjamin Silverman, MD, with discussants Holly Fernandez Lynch, JD, MBE, and Jill Fisher, PhD.

Your Health is Your Wealth: The Role of Race and Social Inequality in Healthy Individuals’ Participation in Phase I Trials.

January 13, 2023