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When There's No One Right Answer

Location: MacNider 321
Chris DeRienzo, MD, MPP, FAAP

Our health care system’s shift from a fee-for-service to a value based repayment models has placed considerable emphasis on the quality of health care. However, collectively or individually, patients, clinicians, and health care organizations may vary in their views of what constitutes high quality health care.

It is in this context that quality improvement aims to identify tangible, measurable change and improvement in health care. Thus it becomes essential that clinicians and health systems think critically about the subjective nature of quality. How should we define quality and for whom? How can we balance the needs of individual patients and health care systems at large?

Please join us for discussion of this important topic!

Sponsored by the UNC Center for Bioethics and the UNC Hospital Ethics Committee, Clinical Ethics Grand Rounds offers an innovative and interactive forum for engaging with ethical, legal, and policy issues of particular salience to patient care within the hospital. There are no commercial support or conflicts of interest to report.

Attendees may receive certificates of attendance for their professional education records, but no CEUs will be offered for this session.
