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Handling research animal ethics

October 21, 2015
Research on animal welfare is organized around a distinction between the care of animals and their use in experiments. Nicole Nelson draws on ethnographic fieldwork in a behavioral neuroscience laboratory to complicate this presumed division between science and welfare. Using the case study of animal handling, she explores how scientists...

State, environment and disease: Dengue fever and the struggle for control of urban spaces in Delhi and Singapore

October 8, 2015
Lunch provided at noon. Talk begins at 12:10 pm. Professor Packard’s talk addresses the failure of recent efforts to control Dengue fever by exploring the attempts by government authorities in two very different cities, Singapore and Delhi, to control the urban spaces that provide a home for the Aedes mosquitoes...

Automatic placement of genomic research results in medical records

October 2, 2015
In genomics research, it is becoming common practice to return individualized primary and incidental findings to participants and several ongoing major studies have begun to automatically transfer these results to a participant’s clinical medical record. This presentation will explore who should decide whether to place genomic research findings into a clinical medical...

Proposed changes to the Common Rule IRB regulations

October 2, 2015
On September 2, 2015, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced its long-awaited proposal to revise the “Common Rule” regulations that govern research involving human subjects.  The proposed changes would alter processes and approaches that have been in place for many years, and are now open for public comment. This...

Ethical Care of the Prisoner-Patient

September 30, 2015
Michelle Curl, RN, BSN. Liver Transplant Coordinator. Sarah Fotheringham, JD. Associate General Counsel, UNC Health Care System. Arlene Davis, JD. UNC Center for Bioethics. Paul Ossman, MD, MPH. Associate Director, Hospital Medicine Program. **No CEUs will be offered for this February session.

Ethics in end of life care

September 30, 2015
Margaret P. Battin is Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Adjunct Professor of Internal Medicine, Division of Medical Ethics, at the University of Utah. At the end of life, decisions arise which may present complex ethical dilemmas. Such decisions include the best treatment to ease a patient’s suffering, the benefits and...

Grappling with guardianship

September 30, 2015
Clinical Professor Kate Mewhinney is the managing attorney of The Elder Law Clinic, where she supervises upper level law students in representing actual clients in civil matters.

End of life conflicts in South Africa

September 30, 2015
Our visiting scholars, Sharon Kling and Keymanthri Moodley, discuss approaches to withholding and withdrawing treatments, and to physician assisted suicide, as they are encountered in South Africa. In 1994, the South African Law Commission recommended legalising doctor-assisted suicide. A related bill was published for comment in 1997 but never enacted. In 2015,...

Health and human rights in the sustainable development goal era

September 30, 2015
Veronica Magar (DrPH, MPH, MA) currently leads the Gender, Equity and Human Rights Team at the World Health Organization, with the mandate to mainstream WHO’s priority cross-cutting themes across all policies and programs. Before joining WHO in 2013, she held the position of Executive Director of r e a c h (research and action...