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Thursday, May 30, 2024
8:00 am - 9:00 am EST
Location: Hybrid: Old Clinic Auditorium (Rm. 4008) or Zoom
Savithri Nageswaran, MBBS, MPH

Professor, Pediatrics
Wake Forest University

Collaborative Decision Making: A Useful Model to Guide Families About Life-Sustaining Treatments for Children with Medical Complexity


The passcode for the recording is +G?79j&R

Dr. Savi Nageswaran, Professor of Pediatrics at Wake Forest School of Medicine, is a pediatric palliative care physician and a health-services researcher.  She is the founding director of the Pediatric Enhanced Care Program, an integrated pediatric palliative/complex care program, and the Declan Donoghue Collaborative Care Program for children with undiagnosed complex conditions. both at Brenner Children’s Hospital. As a health- services researcher, Dr. Nageswaran studies ways to deliver high-quality healthcare to children with serious illnesses, and has received grants from the National Institutes of Health, Health Resources & Services Administration, and National Palliative Care Research Center.

Publications related to the talk:

Collaborative decision-making: A framework for decision-making about life-sustaining treatments in children with medical complexity
by Nageswaran, Savithri; Gower, William A.; Golden, Shannon L.; King, Nancy M.P.
Pediatric pulmonology, 12/2022, Volume 57, Issue 12

Tracheostomy decision-making for children with medical complexity: What supports and resources do caregivers need?
by Nageswaran, Savithri; Gower, William A; King, Nancy M P; Golden, Shannon L
Palliative & supportive care, 08/2022

Decision-Making About Tracheostomy for Children With Medical Complexity: Caregiver and Health Care Provider Perspectives
by Gower, William A.; Golden, Shannon L.; King, Nancy M.P.; Nageswaran, Savithri
Academic pediatrics, 11/2020, Volume 20, Issue 8