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How Artificial Intelligence Might Save Bioethics (And it’s not how you think)

June 17, 2024
By now society has become familiar with the promised benefits and potential pitfalls of the artificial intelligence revolution. Not since the early years of genetic engineering has a technology captured our imagination and fears so quickly.  But AI has done something else – it has dragged bioethics into unfamiliar territory:...

Communicating Across Cultures: Why Our Traditional Approaches May Fail to Inform and Empower Patients

November 29, 2023
Professor and Chair, Communication Studies University of Minnesota Co-hosted with Internal Medicine, Pediatric, and Med-Peds Residency Programs Western biomedicine and bioethics assume that optimal healthcare delivery is achieved when patients are empowered to be rational thinkers, equipped with all the information needed for decision-making. In her presentation, Dr. Hsieh will...

Annual Pediatric Visiting Ethics Scholar

November 29, 2023
Professor, Pediatrics Wake Forest University Collaborative Decision Making: A Useful Model to Guide Families About Life-Sustaining Treatments for Children with Medical Complexity The passcode for the recording is +G?79j&R Dr. Savi Nageswaran, Professor of Pediatrics at Wake Forest School of Medicine, is a pediatric palliative care physician and a health-services...

2023 Parr|Bioethics Joint Lecturer

October 20, 2022
Elizabeth Barnes is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Va. Her research interests are divided between metaphysics, social philosophy, feminist philosophy, and ethics. She is particularly interested in the places where these topics overlap. Elizabeth wrote a book on disability and recently finished writing a book about...

2023 Annual Pediatric Visiting Scholar

October 20, 2022
Dr. Gooding is an adolescent medicine specialist in the Division of General Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine at Emory University School of Medicine. She was on the faculty at Harvard Medical School for eight years, serving as faculty adviser to medical education student projects and co-chairing the HMS Wellness and Mental...

Conceptualizing Culture in Healthcare Contexts: A Theoretical Framework

June 21, 2022
Chair and Professor, Communication Studies University of Minnesota Elaine Hsieh (Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2004; J.D., University of Oklahoma, 2019) is Chair and Professor in the Department of Communication, University of Minnesota (starting 7/15/2022), and a Visiting Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. An award-winning author, Fulbright...

Providing Optimal Care When Providers and Patients Do Not Share the Same Language

June 21, 2022
Chair and Professor, Communication Studies University of Minnesota Elaine Hsieh (Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2004; J.D., University of Oklahoma, 2019) is Chair and Professor in the Department of Communication, University of Minnesota (starting 7/15/2022), and a Visiting Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. An award-winning author, Fulbright...

Controversies in Increasing Living Kidney Donation

August 5, 2019
Co-hosted with the Department of Surgery

Annual Pediatric Visiting Scholar

February 12, 2019
What Authority? Whose Interests? The Challenges of Decision Making for Impaired Newborns co-hosted with the Department of Pediatrics   CEGR_Flier_May2019

CEGR co-hosted with The Department of Surgery

February 6, 2019