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Mara’s Newborn Screening Book

December 4, 2012
C:B Faculty Associate Mara Buchbinder publishes co-authored study of newborn screening, “Saving Babies?: The Consequences of Newborn Genetic Screening (Fieldwork Encounters and Discoveries)”. see the book »

Mark Hall CEGR Talk

October 4, 2012
As part of the Clinical Ethics Grand Rounds series, Mark Hall visited UNC to present the talk, “Discussing with Patients the Costs of Treatment: Ethical and Professional Quandaries”.  Mark Hall, JD is the Fred D. & Elizabeth L. Turnage Professor of Law, and Professor of Social Sciences & Health Policy...

Geller CEGR Talk

September 7, 2012
Gail Geller, Sc.D., M.H.S., Professor, Department of Medicine and Berman Institute of Bioethics,Johns Hopkins University opened the 2012-13 Clinical Ethics Grand Round series with her talk, “The Nature, Sources and Consequences of Moral Distress Among Clinicians.”

Jill Awareded R01

September 1, 2012
C:B Core Faculty Member Jill Fisher awarded new NIH R01 to study clinical research volunteers. more info »

ARESA Module 3

August 20, 2012
C:B co-sponsors Module 3 of the “Advancing Research Ethics in Southern Africa” Training Program with the Center for Medical Ethics and Law at the University of Stellenbosch, SA, with support from the NIH Fogarty International Center, and C:B faculty Stuart Rennie and Eric Juengst participate in the 1st Annual ARESA...

Jill Joins C:B

August 1, 2012
Jill Fisher, Ph.D.,  joins the Core Faculty of the UNC Center for Bioethics!  After a robust national competition we are delighted to announce the appointment of  Jill Fisher,  formerly of Vanderbilt University, to the Core Faculty of the Center.  Welcome, Jill! more info »

ELSI 2.0

June 26, 2012
C:B sponsors and hosts “ELSI 2.0:  Towards an International Collaboratory for Genomics and Society Research,”  a Satellite Workshop to the 2012 International Association of Bioethics meetings in Rotterdam, Netherlands. more information »

Marley Burns Virtual Mentor

April 23, 2012
UNC medical student Marley Burns was selected as this year’s student editor for the Virtual Mentor journal by the A.M.A. Congratulations, Marley!

Gruskin lecture

April 16, 2012
Sofia Gruskin, J.D., M.A., Director of the Program on Global Health and Human Rights, University of Southern California, presented the 1st Annual UNC Health and Human Rights Lecture, addressing, “A Rising Imperative:  Human Rights in Global Health.” more information »

Health Law Careers Practioner Panel

March 21, 2012
C:B Core Faculty member Arlene Davis, R.N., J.D.,  participated on the Health Law Careers Practitioner Panel as part of the Carolina Health Law Organization’s discussion on the state of health care law and how health reform will affect different areas of practice.