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Communicating Across Cultures: Why Our Traditional Approaches May Fail to Inform and Empower Patients

November 29, 2023
Professor and Chair, Communication Studies University of Minnesota Co-hosted with Internal Medicine, Pediatric, and Med-Peds Residency Programs Western biomedicine and bioethics assume that optimal healthcare delivery is achieved when patients are empowered to be rational thinkers, equipped with all the information needed for decision-making. In her presentation, Dr. Hsieh will...

Annual Pediatric Visiting Ethics Scholar

November 29, 2023
Professor, Pediatrics Wake Forest University Collaborative Decision Making: A Useful Model to Guide Families About Life-Sustaining Treatments for Children with Medical Complexity The passcode for the recording is +G?79j&R Dr. Savi Nageswaran, Professor of Pediatrics at Wake Forest School of Medicine, is a pediatric palliative care physician and a health-services...

Joining Our Voices: Envisioning the Future of Serious Illness Care

October 26, 2023
Joining Our Voices: Envisioning the Future of Serious Illness Care is a weeklong virtual symposium that brings together policy professionals, advocates, healthcare professionals, caregivers and peers in conversation to share experiences, innovations, and opportunities for the future of North Carolina’s serious illness care. This event is organized by the North Carolina...

Carolina Seminar Series – Empowering Trust: Insights from Community Engagement Initiatives

October 25, 2023
Register here.  

Authors Meet Readers Event for Decolonize Self-Care

October 16, 2023
Decolonize Self-Care ALYSON K. SPURGAS and ZOË MELEO-ERWIN   For twentieth-century feminists, it was a rallying cry for bodily autonomy and political power. For influencers and lifestyle brands, it’s buying fancy nutrition and body products at a premium. And it has now infiltrated nearly every food, leisure, and pop-culture space as a...

Neuroethics: Agency in the Age of Brain Science

September 12, 2023
Carolina Seminar on Philosophy, Ethics, and Mental Health Please contact Dan Moseley,, for registration information. These events are free and open to the public, but registration is required.  

Ethical Issues in the Use of A.I. In Mental Health Care

September 12, 2023
Carolina Seminar on Philosophy, Ethics, and Mental Health Please contact Dan Moseley,, for registration information. These events are free and open to the public, but registration is required.  

Rejecting Retributivism: Free Will, Punishment and Criminal Justice

September 12, 2023
Carolina Seminar on Philosophy, Ethics, and Mental Health Please contact Dan Moseley,, for registration information. These events are free and open to the public, but registration is required.

In Vitro Neural Platforms

September 5, 2023
This is an in-person event; Please visit to register. As the use of in vitro neural platforms like brain organoids and microtissues increases, there is a lack of general knowledge about the limitations of the platforms. Bioethicists and scientists may also have concerns about the implications of the use...

2024 Parr|Bioethics Joint Lecturer

July 12, 2023
President and CEO, The Hastings Center Senior Lecturer on Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School Professor, University of Montréal Vardit Ravitsky, PhD, is the President and CEO of The Hastings Center, an independent, nonpartisan bioethics research institute that is among the most prestigious bioethics and health policy institutes...