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Affect, Value and Decisional Capacity

September 8, 2022
Associate Professor of Philosophy at Duke University Our ability to look after ourselves and promote our own interests can be (and often is) undermined by mental disorder in ways not anticipated by current models of decision-making capacity.  Our standard ways of assessing capacity do not detect all the cases of incapacity they...

How to Protect Healthy Volunteers from Exploitation in Biomedical Research?

August 25, 2022
Agenda Workshop Resources To view the workshop recording please visit the Inserm website. PURPOSE: The VolREthics international initiative on ethical issues related with healthy volunteers’ involvement in biomedical research was launched by the Ethics Committee of the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research (Inserm). A first international meeting,...

Driving Down Infant and Child Mortality: Victories, Dilemmas, and Persistent Disparities

July 7, 2022
Perri Klass is Professor of Journalism and Pediatrics at New York University and Co-Director of NYU Florence. She attended Harvard Medical School and completed her residency in pediatrics at Children’s Hospital, Boston. Her book, The Best Medicine: How Science and Public Health Gave Children a Future, is an account of...

Conceptualizing Culture in Healthcare Contexts: A Theoretical Framework

June 21, 2022
Chair and Professor, Communication Studies University of Minnesota Elaine Hsieh (Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2004; J.D., University of Oklahoma, 2019) is Chair and Professor in the Department of Communication, University of Minnesota (starting 7/15/2022), and a Visiting Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. An award-winning author, Fulbright...

Providing Optimal Care When Providers and Patients Do Not Share the Same Language

June 21, 2022
Chair and Professor, Communication Studies University of Minnesota Elaine Hsieh (Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2004; J.D., University of Oklahoma, 2019) is Chair and Professor in the Department of Communication, University of Minnesota (starting 7/15/2022), and a Visiting Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. An award-winning author, Fulbright...

Vaccination and Its Historical Discontents: The Long-Term View on Skepticism and ‘Personal Belief Exemptions’

June 21, 2022
Elena Conis, PhD, MS, MJ Associate Professor Graduate School of Journalism – Department of History – CSTMS University of California, Berkeley Interview with Elena Conis Elena Conis, Ph.D. is a writer and historian of medicine, public health, and the environment. Prior to joining the Graduate School of Journalism, she was...

Resident Bioethics Interest Group Special Journal Club Session

April 20, 2022
Please join us as we discuss “The Doctor’s Oldest Tool” (Elvin H. Gang, MD, MPH) and consider the “chain of trust” that prompts the author to write: “…Instead of arguing about the veracity of science, perhaps I could simply bear witness, as one human to another.”   Zoom Link Meeting...

Ethics in the Healthcare Professions

April 1, 2022
Members of the Hospital Ethics Committee and medical students from the Clinical Ethics Discussion Group, together with the Bioethics Society of UNC, invite you to a conversation focusing on ethical issues of interest to undergraduates considering careers in healthcare. Join us, bring your questions, and participate in a discussion regarding...

2nd Annual UNC Philosophy and Psychiatry Conference

March 30, 2022
The 2nd Annual UNC Philosophy and Psychiatry Conference is on the theme of “The Future of Human Nature: Transhumanism, Dehumanization and Virtual Worlds.” The conference is hosted by the Center for Bioethics, the Departments of Philosophy and Psychiatry, the UNC Philosophy and Psychiatry Research Group, and Carolina Seminars. The speakers...

Resident Bioethics Interest Group Book Talk

March 29, 2022