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Health and Humanities: An Interdisciplinary Venue for Exploration

September 3, 2015
Based in the Department of English and Comparative Literature at UNC-Chapel Hill, ĦIVE links the humanities and health sciences through student-centered research projects, innovative curricula, and public engagement. Students and faculty from diverse fields—ranging from anthropology, journalism, and biology to occupational science, medicine, and social work—come together in teams to ask questions...

All in your head: Making sense of pediatric pain

August 31, 2015
Mara Buchbinder. Published June 2015. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork in a pediatric pain clinic in California, Mara Buchbinder explores how clinicians, adolescent patients, and their families make sense of puzzling symptoms and work to alleviate pain. Through careful attention to the language of pain—including narratives, conversations, models, and metaphors—and detailed...

CENNC conference open for registration

August 18, 2015
Conference 2015 September 18 @ 8:30 am – 5 pm. Saying no: Exploring the ethical dimensions of refusals in healthcare. Refusals take place across the spectrum of healthcare–from the clinician who refuses to offer treatment believed to be futile, non-beneficial or inappropriate; the patient who spurns a proposed discharge plan;...

Mara Buchbinder Awarded NSF Grant

August 15, 2015
Legislative support for physician aid-in-dying (PAD) in the United States has risen steadily in recent years. Five states currently authorize physicians to prescribe a lethal dose of medication to a mentally competent, terminally ill, adult patient for the purpose of ending the patient’s life, provided that certain preconditions are met....

UNC Hospital Ethics Committee posts annual report

August 13, 2015
It is fitting that the release of our annual report corresponds with the implementation phase of the Carolina Value Initiative. The Hospital Ethics Committee (HEC) and the Clinical Ethics Services it supports are representative of the institution’s dedication to the care of its patients and education of its clinicians. The...

PHASES Grant Awarded

July 2, 2015
Anne Lyerly and her team receive a notice of award for their NIH R01 grant, Pregnancy and HIV/AIDS: Seeking Equitable Study. The PHASES project aims to develop immediate, ethically acceptable strategies to conducting research on HIV treatment and prevention during pregnancy. PHASES will focus on three specific areas of HIV...

Mara Buchbinder Selected for Greenwall Faculty Scholars Award

July 1, 2015
Mara Buchbinder has been selected for a Greenwall Faculty Scholars Award for her study, Clinical Ethics, Communication, and Physician Aid-in-Dying. Legislative support for physician aid-in-dying in the United States has risen steadily in recent years: five states have legalized the practice, while six additional states considered proposals in their 2014 legislative...

Published in AJOB: Looking for Trouble: Preventive Genomic Sequencing in the General Population and the Role of Patient Choice

July 1, 2015
Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz, John M. Conley, Arlene M. Davis, Marcia Van Riper, Rebecca L. Walker & Eric T. Juengst. The American Journal of Bioethics 15 (7): 3-14. Advances in genomics have led to calls for developing population-based preventive genomic sequencing (PGS) programs with the goal of identifying genetic health risks in...

2015 ELSI 2.0 Conference: Translation in Healthcare: Exploring the Impact of Emerging Technologies

June 23, 2015
Eric Juengst kicks off the ELSI 2.0 conference with his talk, Lost in “Translation”. ELSI2.0 aims to encourage international collaboration and discussion around the Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of research in the Life Sciences. ELSI2.0 joins forces with the HeLEX Centre at the University of Oxford to host this...

REGR: Ethical issues in the research use of electronic health records

May 21, 2015
Research Ethics Grand Rounds. Laura M. Beskow, MPH, PhD, Associate Professor, Duke Clinical Research Institute. The widespread adoption and use of electronic health records (EHR) will make an unprecedented amount of information available for health-related research. Although clinical records have long been used for research, the scope of the information...