UNC Interest Groups
UNC Organizations
UNC Medical Center Hospital Ethics Committee
Health and Humanities An Interdisciplinary Venue for Exploration
UNC Student Interest Groups
Bullitt History of Medicine Club
The Bullitt History of Medicine Club promotes the understanding and appreciation of the historical foundations upon which current medical knowledge and practice is constructed, by encouraging social and intellectual exchanges between faculty members, medical students, and members of the community. During the academic year the Bullitt Club holds monthly lectures at noon and also in the evening at the UNC Health Sciences Library. All meetings are free and open to the public.
Faculty advisor: Liz Dreesen
Library coordinator: Dawne Lucas
Clinical Ethics Discussion Group (CEDG)
The Clinical Ethics Discussion Group (CEDG) is an organization of UNC medical students interested in learning more about medical ethics and how it influences our decisions regarding patient care.
CEDG Leaders: Julianna Fischer, Numair Attaar
Faculty advisors: Arlene Davis, Jean Cadigan
Carolina Seminar on Philosophy, Ethics, and Mental Health
The Carolina Seminar on Philosophy, Ethics, and Mental Health is a forum for building community, enriching education, and promoting research at the intersection of Philosophy, Ethics, and Mental Health. This speaker series aims to build upon and expand the existing community of collaboration that has been developed by the UNC Philosophy and Psychiatry Research Group. We encourage jargon-free and supportive discussions that will be accessible to participants with serious interest in the topics but come from a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds. Invited speakers in the series present a work-in-progress or recently published paper that is the basis for a new project. The seminars aim to provide the speakers with feedback on their current research projects. At least half of each meeting is devoted to Q&A and general discussion. This series will consist of six speakers each academic year.
Carolina Seminars on Science meets society at the intersection between precision medicine and justice, equity, and inclusion
This interdisciplinary and interprofessional seminar examines the fields of genomic medicine and precision health through the lens of justice. The ethical, legal and social implications of both fields have received widespread attention in recent years, but one perspective on these implications has been under-developed to date: the challenges that these new fields face in attempting to meet the demands of equity and fair representation in their research and clinical endeavors. Both fields need to describe the human populations they address and attempt to serve: how should they do that in ways that do not exacerbate existing social inequities. How can different marginalized groups be fairly included in their research efforts? How can equitable access to their services be assured? This seminar series highlights the intersection between a specific scientific or clinical advancement with the implications for justice, equity, diversity and inclusion. In each seminar the goal will be to encourage interdisciplinary dialog, identify societal challenges and/or potential disparities raised by technological innovation, and develop actionable strategies for further research and implementation.
Moral Economies of Medicine Working Group
The Moral Economies of Medicine Working Group aims to provide an ongoing forum for graduate students and faculty from UNC and Duke to discuss existing research on Moral Economies of Health Care and Moral Economies of Expertise and Bioethics, receive feedback on their developing projects, and network with colleagues who share their interests.
Faculty advisor: Jocelyn Chua and Michele Rivkin-Fish
Regional Clinical Ethics
Clinical Ethics Network of North Carolina
Bioethics Professional Organizations